5 Tips to stay on track

Here are some quick tips to get you where you want to go.

  1. Know where you are going! You can’t win the race if you don’t know where the finish line is. Write down 3 clear goals for your work.
  2. Ask for help. Whatever you can do on your own you can do better with some encouragement. Share your goals.
  3. Make accountability a practice. Consider finding an accountability partner. I love mine, can’t imagine how I ever succeeded without him (Thanks Alex). We do a weekly check, Monday morning call, part sharing, part seeking ideas.
  4. Make some part of your schedule sacred. Have a morning routine or an end of day review. Hold a touch-base meeting, or schedule writing time. Just be sure to pick something and do it daily!
  5. Celebrate the little victories. Reward yourself and brag a little too.

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