I love a good story!

I learned to tell them by writing direct mail letters.  I wasn’t soliciting funds back then; I was running corporate conferences and sold them through direct mail (imagine making a telecommunications conference sound exciting!). That led to developing marketing materials for some of the world’s biggest brands.

When communications moved online I produced the first corporate mega-site. Then I had the opportunity to work with leading Internet pioneers, providing marketing and production services.

But I kept up an active volunteer life.  So, along the way I would take what I learned and apply it to the nonprofits that I loved, helping them raise money. Of course, I discovered, as you have, the great pleasure of helping an organization succeed. That’s why I became a fundraiser!

Long before I started Nonprofit Champion, even before my corporate career, I loved volunteering. Combining my leadership skills and compassion to creatively address a need is my idea of fun! I am thrilled to devote all my energy to the growth and success of nonprofits and their champions.

Merle Benny
Merle & her sisters

Juliette Low was my first idol.  When I learned about the founder of Girl Scouts I was just a Brownie.  But I can remember feeling inspired by this woman who traveled to England and then came home to form a national organization just for girls.

It took a few years but I discovered that I wanted to help create and support more Juliette Lows. My strength and my desire is to help you communicate your vision and attract the means to make it a reality.

Free Mini Book The Secret is Out: A Wake-Up Call to Nonprofits