Big dreams, big words

Your Vision Message When I gather with a group of nonprofit leaders and ask them to introduce themselves, I hear one person after another talk about the work they do. They use jargon, insider-speak, buzz words, and every other form of describing their day-to-day job. My reaction? Like everyone else, I’m confused and bored. Your […]

Stories are magical!

Everywhere you look – and listen – there are stories being told. Books, movies, tv shows, and good conversations all include stories. Stories have been a natural way to engage throughout the course of history. The bible and Koran tell stories. There is no escaping the value of a good story! You can become a […]

Hello Nonprofit Champions!

I’m so glad you are here. This is a resource for you as you help create a better world. I am in the never-ending process of writing a book so until I finish, I won’t be posting often. The book is not yet titled but it takes you through the three critical parts of becoming […]

I’m Merle.

God may his. Lesser second abundantly multiply void also said doesn’t grass. Divided may gathering light midst light our created said won’t us lesser whose likeness midst one that deep.

Free Mini Book The Secret is Out: A Wake-Up Call to Nonprofits