Are you boring or engaging?
When I gather with a group of nonprofit leaders and ask them to introduce themselves, I hear one person after another talk about the work they do. They use jargon, insider-speak, buzz words. They talk about the boss, a challenge they are facing, and find a variety of ways to describe their day-to-day work. My […]
Start small, dream big
It’s time again to think about how we gather. We’ve gotten so used to virtual meetings, we may have forgotten the joy of being in a room together. But, no matter how you are doing it, great meetings are the place to turn dreams into reality! Let’s explore the power of coming together with purpose […]
use your words.
Communication drives success. Think about your heroes. What do they all have in common? Throughout history our most respected and memorable heroes are great orators, or great writers, or both. Whether they are founders, philosophers, politicians, scientists, religion, artist, or business leaders, the most influential are also the best communicators. Orators traditionally used the stage […]
It’s not someone’s job, it’s everyone’s job.
Imagine how much more powerful your organization would be if you multiplied the number of people who felt prepared and empowered to talk about the organization’s vision! The more people spreading the word, the more donors, volunteers, and advocates you have. Simple math says it makes sense. Why don’t organizations work this way now? Change […]
Step UP! You are a Leader
Not in a leadership role yet? No problem. I want to share with you the secret I discovered that changed my life. When you have the opportunity to raise your hand and get involved, do it. I was frustrated in work and volunteer roles. I wanted action. I wanted change. Then I discovered how to […]
What is the problem you’d give your life to solve?
Big question, right? I challenge you to think about it. Finding your passion and talking about it is the best way to get what you want right now. When President Franklin Roosevelt wanted to end child polio he helped create the nonprofit that became the March of Dimes. As the whole country rallied around this […]