Use your words.

“Great leaders must have two things: a vision of the world that does not yet exist and the ability to communicate that vision clearly.” Simon Sinek Communication is a basic element of your success. Think about your heroes. What do they all have in common? They speak, they tell stories, they get your attention through […]

Lessons from the lectern, becoming a great speaker

I’ve made every public speaking mistake. At one big event, I forget the words I had memorized and stood there like a dummy with my mouth open and nothing coming out. Embarrassing! I’ve been boring, talked too fast, and read every word. It took practice to get better. I had to take chances, get honest […]

Communication: 4 reasons it matters today

Building an organization of communicators is more urgent every day. There has never been more urgency for nonprofits to step up their communications. Each and every employee and volunteer should be empowered to speak for the vision and mission of the organization. Why now? Here are four reasons why it matters every day in 2022 […]

A Letter to Brittany

Dear Brittany: Congratulations on your new job. Today is the beginning of an opportunity and a challenge for you. The good news is there has never been a better time to work for a nonprofit. You are so creative! I bet that showed in your interviews. You have ideas and experiences that will help the […]

Are you boring or engaging?

When I gather with a group of nonprofit leaders and ask them to introduce themselves, I hear one person after another talk about the work they do. They use jargon, insider-speak, buzz words. They talk about the boss, a challenge they are facing, and find a variety of ways to describe their day-to-day work. My […]

Free Mini Book The Secret is Out: A Wake-Up Call to Nonprofits