I’ve made every public speaking mistake.

At one big event, I forget the words I had memorized and stood there like a dummy with my mouth open and nothing coming out. Embarrassing!

I’ve been boring, talked too fast, and read every word.

It took practice to get better. I had to take chances, get honest feedback, and seek out opportunities to speak. It was worth the effort.

You have a voice that deserves to be heard.

You have the power to recruit volunteers, attract donors, and inspire action. The better you communicate, the greater success you’ll have.

Good communication is the basis for nonprofit success.

Throughout history our most respected and memorable heroes are great orators, or great writers, or both. Whether they are founders, philosophers, politicians, scientists, religion, artist, or business leaders, the most influential are also the best communicators .

From ancient Greeks to hip-hop artists, orators use the stage and written words to get their message out.

Today, among your personal heroes may be a great conversationalist in your family, a speaker with a motivational podcast, or an inspiring author. They have a voice and they use it to connect.

Good communication is the basis for nonprofit success.

Explore opportunities to find your voice. Your organization needs you to share the dream and attract support. Practicing your communication skills is key.

You have the power to make a difference. It starts with communication. Look for opportunities to practice your speaking skills, get publicity, and spread the word. Here are opportunities to explore:

Toastmasters. Clubs all over the world give you the chance to practice and learn great speaking skills.

National Speakers Association. The regional and national club offer training and events.

Podcasts. Take a look at the podcasts for nonprofits, or for your cause. They are often looking for guests! Here’s a list of popular nonprofit podcasts.

Tours. Inviting people to come, hear, and see your work is a perfect way to practice your skills while benefiting your organization. Virtual or in-person, it’s a fun, smart way to make new friends for your cause while you become a great speaker. Learning to inspire people to care by telling your story in 10 minutes or so, is the best thing you can do for your organization.

Speaking. Look for easy entry points to the speaking world. Talk to a local group about your organization. Share your own story or your founders story with a group of volunteers. Accept invitations to sit on panels.

Your organization needs you – as a dreamer, messenger, and champion.

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