Let’s convene!

Finally, we are feeling safe and comfortable coming together in person. It’s a fresh start. You can make being in the same room a celebration and an opportunity for great things to happen.

This week we are reminded of the founding of our nation 245 years ago. It’s a great example of convening with purpose. What challenge are you ready to take on? How will the second half of your year be great?

Here are five steps to your best-ever meetings…

  1. Ask folks to gather! Yes, you. Anyone can call a meeting. If you’ve taken the first two steps – communicating and connecting – you are ready. Bring people together who share your Vision.
  2. Clearly state the objective of the meeting. You have a shared Vision but what are the 2 – 3 steps you can take together to move closer to it. Be super clear about what you expect to happen while you are together and after you leave.
  3. Invite only those who share that Vision and can help get the job done. Don’t try to include everyone! But don’t leave out those you need. The Art of Gathering by Priya Parker is a great book for this and other aspects of having a productive meeting.
  4. Stay focused on the goal. You are facilitating, don’t let the conversation get off track or hijacked. Keep the flow going so everyone feels their time was well invested.
  5. Decide what’s next. Don’t end until everyone knows next steps! Convening is an ongoing process.

You can and should bring people, at any level, together to solve problems, share ideas, and move forward.

Try new ways of gathering, Learning Structures are new, fun, and interesting ideas for your agenda. They work online too! We used Troika Consulting as a Zoom event last week. It was perfect.

Remember the 3Cs: Communicate…Connect…Convene

The path to your personal success to building a stronger organization, and becoming a Nonprofit Champion!

Free Mini Book The Secret is Out: A Wake-Up Call to Nonprofits