Encourage everyone to connect.
You need connections. More money, more volunteers, more clients, and more opportunity are all the result of connections. Whether you are adding names to your database, friends on social media, or influence in your community, it is all about connections.
Connect is smack dab in the middle of the 3 steps to success:
Communicate, Connect, Convene
That’s an appropriate place for it. Last week I talked about the one essential ingredient for great communication: Your Vision. Today let’s look at the importance of being a connector and encouraging others in your organization to follow your example.
Once you have discovered your voice, connection comes easily. Use every opportunity to share your Vision with others. Take it a step further an actively become a connector, whether it is through networking, talking to the person behind you in line, being more active on social media, or asking for a meeting.
I used to worry that I came across as naïve or even dumb, when I met someone who was older, smarter, richer, or more successful than me. But I found out that doesn’t happen. Being open and friendly is appealing to everyone.
Make connections part of your everyday life.

My breakfast with Kanani
I loved having breakfast with Kanani. Once every month or so we would meet at the local diner and catch up. We shared an interest in our community, nonprofit organizations, and entrepeneurship.
I began to notice that every time I left Kanani I had a list of connections. She would give me names, make introductions through Facebook or LinkedIn, and suggest opportunities.
One day, as I walked away from the diner, I made a decision. From that point forward, I would give Kanani as many connections as she gave me. It was a challenge, but it was also fun. I enjoyed the new way of being with her. Instead of just having a conversation, I was actively listening and thinking about how I could help her reach her goals.
In the days and weeks ahead, she was on my mind and I was able to make even more connections.
This small exercise with Kanani showed me the great potential for having connections and being a connector. We championed each other, enriching our relationship, creating opportunity, and building a network.
That’s a breakfast of champions!
Encourage connectors
Set those enthusiastic supporters (and freshly minted communicators) free to make connections. They are ready to share the dream with everyone they meet. They’ll be motivated to post on social media, and use their networks to spread the word.