Communication drives success.

Think about your heroes. What do they all have in common?

Throughout history our most respected and memorable heroes are great orators, or great writers, or both. Whether they are founders, philosophers, politicians, scientists, religion, artist, or business leaders, the most influential are also the best communicators.

Orators traditionally used the stage and print to get their message out.

Today, among your personal heroes may be a great conversationalist in your family, a singer/songwriter, a speaker with a motivational podcast, or an inspiring author. They have a voice and they use it to connect.

Great communication can make you famous (or at least popular).

Becoming a strong communicator gives you the power to influence people. It allows you to make connections. As a nonprofit leader, communication will win advocates, donors and volunteers. It will make you and your organization stronger and more influential.

Communication is so fundamental it is often overlooked as a key part of success. Yet, when you look at what nonprofits need to succeed, nothing is possible without communication. To fundraise or influence policy makers, or to recruit volunteers, you have to speak and write. To successfully serve clients or build a membership base, you must communicate.

Communication drives success.

Speak up! Use your voice.

Free Mini Book The Secret is Out: A Wake-Up Call to Nonprofits