Merle Benny

Merle shines as a passionate changemaker in the nonprofit world.”

Who Is She?

The discovery that happy healthy nonprofits raise more money and grow faster (and, in turn make the world better) is the result of Merle’s lifetime of service to nonprofit organizations. Merle has raised millions of dollars, been the voice of numerous organizations, and continually brings innovation to the sector. The founder and CEO of Nonprofit Champion, Merle writes, teaches, and speaks to inspire nonprofit leaders everywhere.

“She lights up the room!”

Bring Sparkle! In-house

Sparkle! Action Plan is a private workshop presented by Merle exclusively for your organization. A transformational two-day experience.

Want to add Sparkle to your nonprofit consulting practice?

Help your clients clarify their vision and use the Sparkle! Action Plan to raise more money and grow faster. Apply to become a Certified Sparkle! Guide.

Free Mini Book The Secret is Out: A Wake-Up Call to Nonprofits